Our Achievements and Aspirations
Achievements and Aspirations
For staff
- Developing a shared understanding of the pedagogy for the learning journey from EYFS to KS4 and beyond.
- Cross school leadership work to solve specific issues – using leadership expertise in the trust.
- Using expertise within the trust for recruitment
- Established wellbeing support for staff members
- Staff supporting each other across the Trust to achieve outcomes
- Shared training across the trust – internal/ external/ national
- Coaching network across the schools
- Shared learning projects working with partners
- Expertise in staffing identified across the trust and used for development
- Curriculum support groups
- Behaviour support and provision
- EAL shared support
For Children/learners
- Promoting an ‘I can do’ mentality in a changing technological world
- Developing children’s understanding and experience of lifelong learning
- Creative, relevant, shared curriculum and resourcing
- Embedding elements of collaborative and co-operative learning into the curriculum
- Support all children to have equal access to the latest ICT/ Learning Technology
- Providing the wider opportunities for the trust through schools and partners.
- Experiences/ development of workforce skills
- Development of work experience
- Shared learning experiences/ projects for all learners (stakeholder groups)
- Joint funding applications to access more resources
- Support pupil wellbeing through access to partner advice and resources.
For parents/carers/community
- Strong school- parental relationships
- Facilitation of the provision of support services
- Develop a culture of high attendance and high value of education
- Diversity and commonality are celebrated
- Access to health and wellbeing resources to avoid crisis
- Promote high self-esteem/self-worth through communication
For partners
- Consolidate and develop current trust partnerships for the mutual benefit of the trust/ partners
- Identify and develop new trust partnerships to fulfil the vision/ meet the aims of the trust
Our aspirations for the future
To continue and further develop our established co-operative work, and to realize more of the aims set out in our Vision in 2016, specifically:
For Staff
- Shared learning projects working with partners
- National and international experience opportunities including cooperative links
- Develop networks with a wider perspective/ set of skills to offer support and development from outside of the City
- Development opportunities without having to leave the Trust.
- Contingency and succession planning – using resources within the Trust.
For Children/learners
- Creating an umbrella to challenge under-achievement and disengagement to raise aspirations
- Providing opportunities academically and socially for all children to enjoy and achieve their potential
- Deepened understanding about work opportunities + areas + skills
- Enriching learning opportunities through the development of partnerships and the involvement of partners in the curriculum
- Develop a group approach to achieving ‘good practice’ awards e.g. Eco schools, Healthy Schools, International Awards etc
- Regular programme of sports competitions
- Regular programme of other curriculum based competitions e.g. art, chess, science and engineering
- Experiences/ development of workforce skills
- Rewarding the achievements of all learners including adults
For parents/carers/community
- Provide parent education to help parents and carers to have the skills and knowledge to support their children’s learning in school and at home.
- Develop learning for life
- Share a common understanding – investors in education and their child’s future
- Positive influential voice harnessed to impact on learning e.g. PTAs, governors, trustees, and other stakeholders
- Strong community links to aid ‘at risk’ families to achieve positive outcomes
- Draw on the skills/ celebrate the diversity of our community through international week celebrations
- Access to a wide variety of low cost training, social and health activities
- Promote high self-esteem/self-worth through communication
- Trustwide ‘one stop shop’ to facilitate parental enquiries e.g. health, welfare, housing, legal and financial