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See what's been happening in our school!!

  • St John's Winners!!!

    Thu 06 Jul 2017 Ms Harris

    St John's were the recent winners of the Inter Schools Scooter Challenge!! It was a very close contest amongst the other schools that took part but we were the clear winners. Well done to everyone who scooted to school that week. Scooting is always very popular at St Johns so it great that we've been rewarded for all your efforts.

    Our prize for coming first will be a Scooterpod for storing all those scooters, so make sure to look out for it in the playground soon.

    Also, the top scooting boy and girl will each receive a special prize at an assembly before the end of term.



  • St John's on TV for National Clean Air Day!!

    Thu 15 Jun 2017 Ms Harris

    Today was National Clean Air Day and ITV Meridian news came to film us taking part in all sorts of fun things to promote our understanding of pollution, the effects on our children's health and how we can protect ourselves.

    There was dancing on the decking, cycling in the closed street, bike games on the playground, playtime in the street, planting in Town Quay Park and finally a snack, drink and song at the end of the day!!

    You can watch by following this link:



  • Awesome Authors

    Thu 11 May 2017 Ms Harris
    'Some children have been attending an after school club to write, illustrate and publish their own book since January this year. At the beginning of May, we were finally able to see the finished product in Waterstones West Quay which Nicky helped organise so the children could sign their copy and read it to their parents. Here are some photos of them with their books. There are also copies in the library that your child might want to go and read. This was a fantastic opportunity which all children enjoyed.
  • Visit from the Marathon Man

    Wed 05 Apr 2017 Ms Harris

    Last week we had a visit from Ben Smith, the marathon man!

    Ben Smith took on an unbelievable challenge running 401 marathons in 401 days. Ben suffers from mental health issues and was severely bullied throughout his childhood and at the age of 18 he attempted to take his life due to the bullying and the difficulty he was having accepting his sexuality. He describes how running saved him and how sport and physical activity is so important for you physical and mental health.


    The resilience and determination it must have taken to complete 401 marathons in 401 days is remarkable so I think there are many positive messages Ben can deliver to the students. Ben has delivered hundreds of school assembly visits so is very skilled at pitching his extraordinary story to varying audiences. He was the winner of the Helen Rollason award at the BBC Sports Personality of Year awards last year.


    Here is Ben’s website but if you want to really get a feel for who Ben is I would watch the video from BBC Sports Personality - Very emotive.


    You can find a video from Ben which features his visit to our school in the tab Children-> Gallery


  • Stained Glass Window unveiling

    Wed 29 Apr 2015

    The unveiling of the stained glass window in the mission hall took place yesterday. Everyone agreed it has been a great success. Well done to everyone who was involved. Please click on the link below to see the video:

