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  • Greedy Reading Day Special Visitor

    Wed 27 Sep 2017 Ms Harris & Miss Ennew

    St John's have kicked off another year of Greedy Reading with a very special visitor. Not only were we lucky enough to have our parents come in and read with us, we also got to meet a famous author! Ali Sparkes came into our school to announce that she will be our Patron of Reading this year. She will be coming in to do workshops across the school and promote a love of reading and writing. We enjoyed her visit so much that there's no more of her books left in our library - we're all reading them! After her whole school presentation, Year 5 and 6 had an X Factor workshop with her and created their own blurbs and openings to  a story and as they were so inspired, they continued this well into the afternoon. If you come into our library next week you will be lucky enough to read their blurbs and see their front covers. Which one will be your favourite? 
